Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th Jan. 187 and 1838; showing the Increase or Decrease on each head thereof.
Years ended Jan. 5th 1637. 1838.
46 Customs Miscellaneous Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office .„ 19.716,440 18,826,264 12,744.174 11,794338
3,619,76t 3,677-748
6,750.421 6.432.153 1,490,000 1,517,743 40,830 34,936 Total Ordinary Revenue Imprest and other Monies, in chiding Repayments of Ad vances for Public Works Total Income.... • • Increase. Decrease.
Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office
Imprest and other Monies, in- cluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Works , TotalOrdinary Revenue 11,400,764 "Total Income....
44,431,626 569,538 45,001,164 Quarters ended Jau. 6th 1837. 1838.
187,995 198,188 11.588,759 11,801,932 Deduct Decrease IIICICaSC 011 the Quarter
Deduct Increase
Decrease oa the Year...
4,069.938 4.523,278 3,803,764 3,590,864 1,573,529 1,544,400 1,594 660 1,579,028 349000 376,000 9,873 174 11,613,744 42,283,202 817,609 43,100,811 Increase.
. • 27,743
275.814 453,340 193 480,533 267,360 213,173 Decrease.
890,174 949.836 318,268 12,013 5,894
• •
1,900,353 212.900 29,129 15,632 9,699
• •