With the exception of the news from Canada, the foreign
intel- ligence of the week is unimportant. The French newspapers are occupied with the proceedings in the Chambers. The Peers have commenced the discussion on the address ; which contains nothing remarkable. The address of the Deputies, drawn up by M. GIRARDIN, a Ministerialist with Liberal tendencies, contains the following passage, on which much stress is laid in Paris, and which will doubtless be made to answer a stockjobbing purpose there and elsewhere- " The sympathy of your Majesty for the Constitutional Throne of Spain will prevent a restoration which would be fatal to the interests of France."
The greatest eagerness prevails in Paris for Canadian news. The Government journals profess to desire the defeat of the insur- gents; but the Courrier, the National, and the Conititutionnel exhibit what the correspondent of the Standard terms a "blind rage" in favour of the revolters.