Siu,—Your article on the expansion of Germany should clear the minds of many, including, it is to be hoped, that of Professor Caldecott.
His arguments would be cogent enough if put forward to show Germany's right to markets. For, as Professor Delbriiok says, it is markets, not territory, that Germany needs. Her emigration is insignificant, if it is not actually nil. But what does Professor Caldecott mean by talking about Australians "claiming permanent and sole occupancy of a million square miles "P One has only to open any copy of the Melbourne .Age or other leading Australian paper to see that the Australian at the present time eagerly welcomes all the suitable colonists—German or otherwise—that Europe can send; but Germany has just now none to send. That Germans do not mind settling under other flags is shown by their numbers in the United States, Brazil, and China. But, even if Germans were forbidden to enter British colonies, German goods are not. Is Professor Caldecott aware that Krupp supplies quantities of material, in competition with England, to the Auetralian. Government railways, that German machinery is used for Australian harbours, that the chief German locomotive firm has just obtained, in competition with English builders, the order for locomotives from the English managers of the Egyptian State railways, that the greatest part of the electrical machinery in South Africa comes from Ger. many P If our colonies had a protective tariff against German goods there might be cause to complain. As it is, since Germany has not the surplus population to colonize with, and still is allowed entry into our markets, she has little real ground for dissatisfaction with a country which con- quers and runs colonies whose markets are, broadly speaking,
open to the world.—I am, Sir, &c., ENGINEER. Reform Club, Pall Mall, S.W.