To The Editor Ov The " Spectator."] Sir,—we Describe The
state of a ship as to her proper motions , when we say of her that she is " under weigh," " under sail,' " under steam," &o., meaning, in the first case, that she has just......
"under Way."
[To TILE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, —Admitting some force in Professor Skeat's suggested Dutch origin and phonetic corruption of " under " in the term "under way," I still......
"burke, Reynolds, And Keppel."
[To THE EDITOR Or THE BrEcTrron."1 SIR, — Your article of December 23rd on Burke, Reynolds, and Keppel quotes a reference by Burke in the "Letter to a Noble Lord" to a picture......
"annals Of Caesar."
[To THE EDITOR OT THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—In a recent issue (November 18th, 1911) of the Spectator there was published a review of my " Annals of Caesar." Your reviewer is......
English Hexameters:
WILLIAM WATSON.* [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] English hexameter-writers, some six, have been nam'd in your columns : Longfellow, Kingsley, and Clough, Neale, Dr.......