[To THE EDITOR Or THE " .SPECTATOR.'"] SIR, Is there any hope or prospect of getting a reissue of Mrs. Craven's "Recit d'une Sosur " ? Although its exquisite literary quality must needs suffer in translation, it would be a great boon to have it within reach in its English dress, as it is now almost impossible to obtain a copy. In a recent :sermon it was described—surely by a reporter's error—as "a :novel of an older generation ! " which is really a shock to those who love the book, for it is, as you know, the life of a family of saints, and surely one of the most wonderful pieces of religious biography ever given to the world.
Read and appreciated by men of such diverse views as Sir Mount Stuart, Grant Duff, and Archbishop Benson, one may adapt the words of Julius Hare when writing of " The Broad Stone of Honour," and say : "A. noble manual for gentle- women—a volume which I would place in a daughter's hands, .charging her, though such prompting words would be need-
less, to love it next to her Bible."—I am, Sir, &c., A. W. Folkestone.