Holy Year Reflections
SIR,—The covert sneer in the Spectator of December 23rd against Catholic contributors to The Times was indeed sui generis. I challenge you to refer to any single excerpt from a Catholic writer to the effect that Catholics claim to be better than other Christians. They do not. But with the advantage of the true faith to guide them spiritually and morally, they feel, and are taught to feel, a humility of mind and soul at complete variance with any superiority over other Christians. 400,000,000 Catholics are imbued with this teaching from childhood, as you, Sir, would realise if you had any true notion of the faith whose tiumbets far exceed all those non-Catholic sects in Christendom: It is precisely because of your pitifully ignorant anti-Catholic bias that I, after many years, have ceased to be a subscriber to the Spectator.—Yours I ithfully, HERBERT MALONE. 7 Kidderpore Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.3.