Sue, — In His Article, The Holy Year, Mr. Hollis Makes One
statement that is definitely not correct: "Every country in Western Europe today is under the rule of a Catholic Prime Minister or Chancellor." I think the Netherlands at least......
Holy Year Reflections
SIR,—The covert sneer in the Spectator of December 23rd against Catholic contributors to The Times was indeed sui generis. I challenge you to refer to any single excerpt from a......
Sir,—you Ask, "what Other Word (sc. Protestant) Is To Be
used to denote collectively Christians who are not Roman Catholic ? " It is probably undesirable that Christians who are not Roman Catholic should be denoted collectively, for......
Sir,—" What Other Word," You Ask, " Is To Be
used to denote collectively Christians who are not Roman Catholics ?" Certainly not " Protestant," for this word could hardly be applied to some 200 million Christians in the......
Propaganda And The Election
SIR,—May I correct two mistakes made by your correspondent, Mr. Harvey R. Cole, on "Propaganda and the Election ? " He says: " No- body can obtain sugar except from Tate & Lyle......
Preserving Cambridge
SIR,—The Spectator of December 30th declares the new Cambridge town plan to be " as a whole, a large, imaginative, and practical conception." I wonder whether you have given due......
Sir,—mr. Keene Writes That " The Anglican Church Has Always
claimed to be Catholic." Surely this claim is made, explicitly or implicitly, by all who confess the Christian Creed, which affirms belief in the Holy Catholic Church,.......
Education For Their Children Can Get It Without_ Being...
more than other taxpayers. The financial arrangement has been judged fair in Scotland. By a fully Christian education" I mean an institutional one, with school, teachers and "......
Sir,—mr. Christopher Hollis, In His Article The Holy...
that since its institution by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300, with a few exceptions due to political disturbances, Jubilee or Holy Years have been celebrated in Rome at least every......