6 JANUARY 1950, Page 20

Cortisone Problems

SIR,—Dr. Stephen Taylor is quite right when he states in his article Cortisone Problems that: "None of the three agents so far discovered was the last link in the chain." They are not the first, for the first link in the chain is the microbe attacking the tissues, and these microbes can be very easily isolated from either the diseased tissues themselves or from the patient's urine. They are acting in the tissues in their minute virus phase, are taken from the blood by the kidneys and excreted in this phase. If the urine is filtered before culturing it, this fact is very simply and easily demonstrated. There can then be no doubt that the microbes grown are, in fact, developed from the filtered virus. If the cases are treated at once with an antigen they are rapidly, completely and permanently cured, without any disability, but even in the advanced cases the lesions of the joints and bojees can be permanently arrested, all pain disappears and remarkable restoration of function is achieved. Often a tissue replaces the destroyed cartilages.

Thyroid extract for myxoedema and insulin for diabetes are not cures ; they are symptomatic treatments. The causative viruses of these diseases

into can always be found, grown into r microbial phase, and specific, curative antigens made. In diabet ,, en long-established and slowly- dying cases under insulin treatment can often be saved ; for surviving cell-islands grow larger to replace the destroyed cells, if the patient can be made to overcome the causative infection. In this way my friend Mr. W. L. Orr has cured three dogs with diabetes with antigens of microbes isolated from their urines, which I made for him. I say now that no human-being need become crippled with rheumatism or die of rheumatic heart disease if the specific method is used, and not merely symptomatic or replacement treatment with transitory effect.—Yours faithfully, W. M. CROFTON. 22 Park Square East, Regent's Park: N.W.I.