ACROSS x. Outline an unwelcome state of affairs for Cleopatra returning home? (4, 3) 5. Rummy hiding-place ! (7)
9. It's an exact copy to a T of an old-fashioned jacket (7)
to. The Buddhist's best state (7) II. Get crazy with the officer's motor in the island (to) r2. Here the harp is muted (4)
13. My friend has lost his card from the palace (3) 14. Admit postil as this adroit fellow well might (t t) 17. Something of a contradiction in terms this inmate
(6, 5)
19. Shelter for the General (3) 20. '- you like men, be strong,' St Paul admon-
ished (4) 23. Not the kind of refusal to expect from Archy I (4-6) z6. Napoleonic nestlings? (7) 27. 'All in the pleasant -, the pleasant light of day' (Stevenson) (4-3) 28. French in the saintly isle discover kindling 1 (7) 29. Sixpenny beds (7) DOWN 1. Wild at morning she is (5)
2. Fairy music for Titania (9) 3. What one must be nowadays to Mrs. Mopp? (7)
4. Humps the betting apparatus in short (5) 5. No limit to ecclesiastical anathema here (9)
6. '-, and coat, and badge, farewell (Dibdin) (4)
7. Jungle ropes (5)
8. Ten argue a means of getting security (9) 13. Two members of a literary trio get an old motor- bfice (3-6) IS. Fighting-men (9) 16. Is the invalid comfortable? Anything but, apparently! (3, 2, 4) 18. Tools of the flatterer (7) 21. Goldbrick took his place (5)
23. Musical fish (5)
24. To which Miss Buss and Miss Beale were impervious (5) 25. Just water? (4) Solution next week SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD No. 1254 ACROSS.-z Handley Croas..2 Golden Age. to Avail. Hating. 12 Dovetail. 13 Tartar. 15 Finchlnt 111 Paletots. 19 Angels. Leap Year. 23 Caudle. 26 Amen . 27 Harbinger. 28 Glass slipper.
DOWN.-, High-hat. z Nilot. 3 Lie in wall. 4 Year. 5 Rhetoric. 6 Shape. 7 Yule log. 8 Paradise. 14 Released. itS Contadini. 17 Attaches. 18 Palmate. 20 Shearer. 22 Yodel. 24 Dig up. 25 Orbs.