Sir,—evelyn Waugh Once Told Me That The Presence Of His
children, when they were young, was not one of his main delights. They were allowed to come to table when they were ten—an age, he explained, when they could wrap parcels and......
Sir,—in Mr Auberon Waugh's Admirable 'christ- Mas Sermon'...
the following passage occurs: 'Either the objections are valid, or they are not. If Catholics, in the dialogue with Pro- testants, • decide their objections are valid, they......
A Christmas Sermon
L - 7 Usg 1111 Enaan From: The Bishop of Blackburn, Rev Alan F. Mills, Hugh Heckstall-Smith, Hugh Burnett, Bishop F. A. Cockin, Dianne Farris, Cecil F. Baker, Edmund Crispin,......
Sir,—it Is Not Hard To See, After Reading Mr Auberon
Waugh's 'Christmas Sermon,' what it was Fr Charles Davis found so unbearable about the Church of Rome in this country. Mr Waugh may be a good deal more literate and literary......