6 JULY 1844, Page 11


Aakrvrn—At Gravesend, 1st July, Ranger, 111' Milian, from China; and Sir C. Na- pier. Wright. from Calcutta; 2d, Jean. Clark. from Port Phillip; and 4th, Flora Muir, Brown, tram China. In the Downs, 4th, Guluare, —, from China. Off Portsmouth. 3d, Scotia, Drayner, from China; and Duke of Argyll, Ihistowe, from Madras. Off Falmouth, 1st, Honduras. Hall; and Kelso, Roxburgh, from Sydney ; 2d. Louisa Campbell, Darby, from China ; and Hindostan, Redman, from Calcutta. Off Dart- mouth, Tyrian, Clarkson, from New Zealand. At Liverpool, 2d, Amelia. Brown, from the Cape. Off Kinsale, Strabane, —. from Bombay. Off Cork, Commodore, Mil- ler, from Bombay ; and Elora, Turnbull, from Chiaa. At Algoa Bay, 6th April, Nor- wood, Gale, from London. At Mauritius, previous to 14th April, Vixen, —; and Isabella Blyth, —,from Loudon ; and Argyle, Kenney, from Calcutta. At Bombay, previous to 20th May, Hindostan, Bowen, from London ; Agnes Ewing, Read, and Autumuus. White, from Liverpool. At Madras, 27th April, Malacca, Shettler ; and China, Livesay, from London; and Edward Hilton. Majoram. from Newcastle; 13th May. Duke of Bedford. ThornLill ; and Sophia, —, from London. At Calcutta, previous to 15th May, Dattn.less, Wakefield; and Elizabeth, Morris, from London; Tigris. Mawsou ; Agricola. Potter; Patriot King, ltoddock ; Sam, Taylor; Buenos Ayreau, Cool ; Dotchese of Clarence, Birch; and Duke of Portland, Hamlin, from Liverpool. At China, 10th March, Aline Jaue, Rigby, from London ; John Bibby. Cawkett. from Liverpool; and 21st, James Matheson, Cushing, from ditto. At Spi- vey. 25th Feb. Caledonia. Liddell ; Penyarti Park, Weller; and Sultana, —, from London.

&man—From Gravesend, 30th June, Agincourt, Nisbet; Gloriana, Webb; Simon Taylor, Brown ; and Judith Allan, Murray, for Calcutta; 1st July, John Cooper, Greig; and Earl Grey. Mollisou, fur Bombay ; 3d, Foam. Pugh, for China; and Constant, fernery, fur Madras. From Liverpool. 30th June, Dickey Sam, Cuaker, fur Bombay ; 3d July, Enterprise, Robertson. for Calcutta; 4th, Mary Hartley, Bartlett. for Ditto ; and Thomas Carty, Scott, for Bombay. From Greenock, 29th June, Hugh Walker,

Cameron. for Bombay. SATURDAY MORNING. ARRIVED-1n the Downs, Ina, Lakeland, from China; Mohawk, Fergusson, from Bombay • Shepherd, Narracott, from Swan River; and Apame, Wilson. from Algoa Bay. Off Eastbourne, Palestine, Sim, from New South Wales. Off Salcombe, Moray. hire, Smith, from Port Phillip. Off Plymouth, Ghika, Read, from the Cape.