Trbe Girobinces.
A church-rate contest has just taken place at Brighton, and termi- nated in favour of the rate ; the numbers being 1,132 and 833. There have been five incendiary fires in Essex,......
Illbe _metropolis.
The Anti-Corn-law League met once more in Co vent Garden Theatre, on Wednesday ; when there was a very full attendance, for the purpose of hearing Mr. Villiers report progress......
Lord De Grey takes his departure from Ireland on the 13th ; and _Lord Heytesbury is expected to arrive in Dublin on the 16th. The Dublin correspondent of the Times says, Lord......
Jortign An Colonial.
FRANCE.—A telegraphic despatch, published in the Moniteur of Thursday, announces the entry of General Bugeaud into the empire of Morocco, and his taking possession of Ouchda 00......