6 JULY 1844, Page 11

The quarterly returns of the revenue, published this morning, ex-

hibit an increase in the Customs of 312,0291. compared with the July quarter of last year, and an increase in the Excise of 85,4791. There is a decrease in the Property-tax of 9,224/. ; in Crown-lands, of 2,500/. ; and in the Miscellaneous department one of 641,3371. The latter deficiency arises from the large amounts received in the July quarter, last year, of Chinese ransom-money. The total increase in the quarter

on the ordinary sources of revenue is 446,850/. ; the aggregate increase on the year's revenue is 2,440,3361. [The figures, as presented by all our morning contemporaries, exhibit a singular error-certainly not chargeable on the printer. The increase on the quarter on "Repayments of Advances" should be 136.350/, instead of 36,3501.; and the decrease on " Property-tax," should be 109,224/. instead of 9,224/. : as the errors balance each other, the gross result of decrease remains as given by the printed table.]