6 JULY 1844, Page 12


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th July 1843 and 1844, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof.

YEARS ENDED 5th JULY) 1843. 1844. Increase. Decrease.

£ £ £ X 18.934,609 19.770,158 835,349 ....

11.545.529 11,965,602 420,073 ....

6.445.370 6.518,063 72,693 ....

4,191,L9 4 197.516 6.387 ....

3.317,997 5,247.663 1,929,666 ....

592.000 632,000 34,000 ....

120,000 1,647,541 145,000


25,000 .... ....

1,154,401 46,800,375 48,969,142 3,323,168 1,154.401 302,254 187,703 .... 114,551 677,713 1,063,833 386,120 ....

47,780,342 50.220.678 3,709,289 1.268,952

1,268.952 ....

2,440,336 ' " •

QUARTERS ENDED 5111 JULY 1843. 1844. Increase. Decrease.

£ £ £ £ Customs 4,557,206 4,869,235 312,029

Excise 3,030,113 3,115,592 85,479

Stamps 1,659,010 1,705,033 46,023

'faxes 1,984.831 1,989 874 5,043

Property Tax 861,749 752,485

9,224 Post-office 145,000 155,000 10,000

Crown Lands 32,500 30,000

2,500 Miscellaneous 1,063,524 422,187


Total Ordinary Revenue . 13,333,893 13,039,406 45,9,574 653.061 Imprest and other Monies



• • •


Repayments of Advances for

Public Works 138,207 274,557 36,350

Total Income 13,539,280 13,362,981 494,924 671,223 Deduct Increase

494,924 Decrease on the Quarter


Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th July 1843 and 1844.


£ Customs Excise Stamps Taxes

Property Tax.

Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Produce of Silver received from China Imprest and other Moneys Repayments of Advances 13,377,883 To Cash brought to this Account to be applied to pay oft!


Deficiency Bills 13,377,883 QUARTERS ENDED 5th JULY CHARGE. 1843.

Permanent Debt Terminable Annuities Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Consolidated Fund Sinking Fund Civil List 599.031 Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund

For Advances NM to pay off Exchequer Bills issued for 191.501

Advances Total Charge Surplus 13.377,883

Amount of Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge ou the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended 5111 April 1844, and paid off out of the growing Produce of that Fund for the Quarter ended 5th July 0344, after deducting 300,000/. paid off out of Sinking Fuud ..... 3,667,317 Amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th July 1844. in Part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Con-

solidated Fund, for Supply Services The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th July 1844 The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the Charge ou the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th July 1844 4,700,398 Customs Excise Stamps .

Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue.

Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances for Public Works Total Income Deduct Decrease

Increase on the Year

13,552,810 13,552,810

• • • • 13,552,810

4,191,627 3,158,546


8,258,669 618,667 26,607 3,760,913 4,557.206 3,043,643 1,059,010 1,924,831 861,709 145,000 32,500 260,524 803,000 67,180 138,207 9,791,897 97.422 10,219,337 £ 4,869,235 3,134,494 1,705,033 1,989,874 752,485 155,000 30,000 238,187 184,000 49,018 274,557


8,214,169 660,023 1,033,081 3,158,546 1844.


5,370 523.857


541,046 177.276 • " •