On the 25th June, at the Parsonage, St. Thomas s, Southwark, the Lady of the Rev. WILLIAM DEEP, of a daughter. On the 28th, in Green Street, Lady JOLT-MEE, of a son. On the 25th. at Maidstone, the Lady of Captain EDWARD Sarre, late of the Fourth Light Dragoons, of a daughter. On the 28th, at Carshaltou Lodge, Surrey, the Lady of Captain WALLACE, Bombay Army, of a son. On the 28th. at the Residence, St. James's Chapel, Hampstead Road, the Lady of the Rev. HENRY STEBBINS!, D.D., of a son. On the 29th, at Warborue, Hunts, the Lady of J. Rrvrrr CARNAC, Esq., of a daughter. On the 29th, in Grosvenor Place, Lady Lyrreurosr, of a son. On the let July, at Woolwich, the Lady of Captain l'IERCY BENN. Royal Artillery, of a daughter. Ou the 1st, at Highgate Rise, Mrs. GEORGE CLOWES, of a daughter. On the 2d, at Linton Place, the Countess Conavisszus, of a daughter. On the 2d. at Great Malvern, Mrs. ALEXANDER JOHN Ewa, of Cotmandene Lodge, Dorking, Surrey, of twins.
On the 18th June, at Bickleigh, Captain EDWARD HERBERT KENNEY, R.N., to CESAR- LorrE MARY, eldest daughter of Captain GEORGE BIGNELL, R.N., of Halter Lodge, near Plymouth. On the 27th, at Tiberton. Herefordshire, WILLIAM VERNON GUISE, Esq., eldest son of Lieut.-Geueral Sir JOHN W. Gorse, Bart., K.C.B., of Reudcombe Park and Elmore Court. Gloucestershire, to MARGARET ANNA MARIA, eldest daughter of the Rev. D. II. LEE WARNER, of Tiberton Court, Herefordshire, and Walsingham Abbey. Norfolk. On the 27th. at Alverstoke, the Rev. GEORGE W. LivEsAY. M.A., of Soutbsea, to CAROLINE. eldest daughter of JAMES ADAMs. Esq., Architect, Gosport. On the 29th, at Chiswick Church, Dr. TETOMAs Cox, Head Master of the Royal Free Grammar School, Barnet, Herts, to area Ann MERTON, only surviving daughter of W. W. Cox, Esq., of Turnham Green. On the 1st July, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Lieut..Col. LE BLANC, of the Royal Hospital. Chelsea, to ELIZABETH, Relict of the late Major-General Sir ALEXANDER Caranvem,, G.C.B.
On the 2d, at St. George's, Hanover Square. EDWARD WINGFIELD Drcireirsos, Esq., of Dosthill House, Warwickshire, to SARAH. Widow of Major WILLIAM Sestarr, late of the Hon. East India Company's Service. On the 2d, at Pagham, Sussex. GEORGE SELBY, Esq., Madras Artillery, son of the late Prideaux Selby. Esq., to ANGELICA MARY, third daughter of Captain ROWLAND MONEY, R.N., C.B., of Aldwick Lodge, near Bognor. On the 2d, at St. Margaret s, Westminster, ALEXANDER BoyLE, Esq., Commander R.N., second son of the Right Hou. David Boyle, Lord Justice General of Scotland, to AGNES, youngest daughter of JAMES WALKER, Esq., of Great George Street, West- minster.
Ou the 311, at St. George's, Hammer Square, Lord ALEXANDER GEORGE RUSsELL, youngest son of the late Duke of Bedford, to ANNE EMILY, youngest daughter of the late Sir LEONARD WoRSLEY HOLMES, Bart., of Westover, Isle of Wight. On the 3d, at Westham, Essex, EDWARD SArroN, Esq., to HARRIET, second daughter of the late SAMUEL FRANCIS Sexes, Esq., and niece of JOSEPH SOMEs, Esq.. of New Grove, Mile End.
On the 5th June, on board the Cressy, on his passage home from Ceylon, WILLIAM James FRENCH, Esq., eldest son of the late Rev. J. French, Rector of Vauge, Essex. Ou the 19th, at Rochester, FRANCES, Wife of Captain Curtsy W. Iliudea, R.N. ; in her 66th year. On the :Vd, at Worcester, ELIZABETH, wife of the Rev. JAMES Has-rorris, Rector of Martley, Worcestershire; in her 82d year.
Ou the 23.1, at Edinburgh. ANNE, the daughter of Wadden MURE, Esq., of Caldwell, one of the Barons of the Exchequer; in her 19th year. On the 23d, at Cole House. Devonshire, El.izABITH MARIA CIEJRCMANA, youngest daughter of the late Captain WILLIAM PAYNE. of Nutwell, near Lympstone ; In her 17th. year. On the 27th, at Leamington Spa. Captain MICHAEL HEAD, R.N. On the 27th, at North Place, Hampstead Road, Juorro, Relict of the late Captain THOMAS INNEs, R.N.; in her 72d year. Ou the 27th, at Richmond, Surrey, FRANCEs MAULEVERER, Wife of Colonel the Hon: HENRY EDWARD BuTLER.
On the 27th, at Plymouth, James FREETH, Esq., lately a Lieut.-Colonel in Her Majesty's Sixty-fourth Regiment e f Foot. On the 1st July, in Cambridge Street, Connaught Square, Mawr, the Widow of the late RICHARD HENRY CROWE, of Burnham. Norfolk ; in her 95th year, On the 1st, at Vicar's Hill. the Rev. THOMAS WHIpHAm, D.D., for thirty-two years Vicar of Kine,steignton-cum-Higheeek, Devon ; in his 71st year. On the 9th, JOsIITJA SCHoLEFIELD, Esq., M.P., of Edgbaston Grove, Birmingham; in his 70th l ear.
Recently, at Woodtown House, Dublin, Hamner JOY, sister of the late Lord Chief Baron Joy.
Lately, at Cheltenham, the Hon. CAROLINE FLOWER, daughter of the late and sister to the present. Viscous; Ashbrook.