BRITISH FUN DS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday. Monday. Tuesday. "redoes. Thurs. shut
98} ex d. 98} 988 981
99} 991 99} 99}
102} 1021 102} 1021
shut - - 121 12} 12} 12} - 1931 198} 1981 shut
75 pm. 75 75 73
94 pm.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - Mexican 5 p. Ct. Austrian 5 - Ditto (Deferred) 5 - Belgian 5 - 1031 Michigan ..6 -
Brazilian 5 - 824 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 -
Buenos Ayres 6 - - Neapolitan 5 - Cuba 6 - - New York (1853) 5 - Chiliau 6 - 104 Ohio 6 -
Columbian of 1824 6 - 138 Pennsylvania 5 -
Danish 3 89 Peruvian 6 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .21 - 601 ex d. Portuguese 5 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 1001 Ditto (Converted) - French 3 81f. 50e Russian 5 - Ditto 5 121f. 75c Spanish 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 - 40 Ditto 3 - Illinois 6 - 42 Ditto (Passive) Kentucky 6 - 93 Ditto (Deferred) Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - 72 South Carolina 5 p. Ct Maryland (Sterling) ....5 - - United States Bank Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - - Virginia. 6 - SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during t ,e Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bolattos Australasian Brazilian Imperial - British North American Ditto (St. John del Rey) - Colonial British Iron London and Westminster Candonga London Joint Stock Cobre Copper - National of Leland
RAILWAYS- Natioual Provincial
Edinburgh and Glasgow 62} Provincial of Ireland Eastern Comities 118 Union of Australia Grand Junction - Union of Loudon
Great Western.. 1254 DoCKS-
Liverpool and Manchester - East and West India ... ...... London and Brighton 461 London London and Blacks% all 7* St. Katherine
London and Greenwich 61 MISCELLANEOUS-
Loudon and Birmingham 225 Anstralian Agricultural London and Croydon 173 British American Land Manchester and Leeds - Canada
Midland Counties 944 General Steam
North Midland 94 New Zealand South-eastern and Dover 351 Royal Mail Steam South-western 828 South Australian York and North Midland 105 ex a. Van Diemen's Laud BUI.LION. METALS,
Gold,ForeignIu Ears ...per oz. 31. 17s. 9d. !Copper, British Cakes.per ton S21. ms. to 0 a0 Old Spanish, or Pillar Dalian.. 0 0 0 1 Iron, British Bars 6 5 0 - 6 10 0
Mezimn Dollars 0 4 10 I Lead, British Pig 16 15 0 - e 0 0 Silver in Bars. Standard 0 4 114 Steel, English 0 u u- 0 0 0 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.
Wheat ....... 55s. ed. i Rye ors. 61 Wheat 17a. Od1 Bye 9. ed Barley... .... 31 10 Beans ... . .. 83 3 Barley 7 0 Beans .. .. 6 0
Oats ..... .„. 221 Peas . ..... ..34 1 Oats 6 0 Peas 8 II
Weekly Averagmfor I he Week ending June 29. Wheat, 55s.9d.-Barley„ 34s. 0.I.-Oats, St.. Dd -Rye, 35s. US-Besns,313s. Od-Pea.. 36s. Id.
Tows-made ................per sack 45s. tt 50a.
Seconds........ ................. 90 - 45 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship... 35 - 40
Norfolk and Stockton 05 33 BUTTER-Best Fresh, 19, 6d. per dos. CHEESE, Chnhire 74s. BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... Os. to Os. • Carlow, 31.14.. to 31.18s. per cwt.
Derby Main 461. to 58s. BRAN per quatter Os. to Os. HAMS, York 70s. to 741, - POLLARD, Our 0s. to Os. EGGS. French... per 120 49.3d .to13..11d. BREAD, Ed. to Bid. the 41b. Loaf.
Kent Pockets 120s. to 140, Choice Ditto 160 - 181, York Reds per ton Os. to OS. Scotch Re Is 0 - 0 D. vons 0 - 0 Sussex Pockets ISO - 130 Kent and Essex Whites 0 - 0 Fine Ditto ........ 140 - 0
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Inferior se .. 95
/00.... 105s 72s. 95r.
O .. b n .. 0 ..... 63 .. 70
• . 0 110 . 120
Clover so ., 140 so .. 35 it 0 ..... 24 .• 32
Wheat Straw Sc .. 40 Linseed Oil 1 5 6 Rape Oil ......... .....per cwt 11. 18s Od Linseed 0111:eke ..... .per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES,per dozen, Oa. Od. Refined 0 0 0 COALS, Helton 245.0d.
Tees 22. Od. Moulds (6d. Os.0d. COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cwt. as., to133s. SUGAR, Muscovado. per ewt.84.. 14d. TEA, Robes, fine, p.111. Os. Od. - 0 0
Good Ordinary 47.-10 50s. Weal India Molasses. 10,0d. to 27r.
Soualong, fine 2 0 - 3 Coogan, fine ...... - 2 5 • In Bond-Duty 2s. Id.per lb.
VP4Beeuttelfto° . 3 .. 4 0 rakb a .. 4 4
Friday 7, 41 48 Sheep.
Monday 63,570 197 800
2 3 .. 4 0 ..... 3 4 .58,.40
Es. ed. to 35. d. to Fts.6d.
3 8 t:)T sinit.th4eolf6a1-pe:;185011; 4
469 Its. Od. to 35 ed. to 4. Od.
3 0 3 8 4 •
8 0 .. 3 0 ,.
GRAIN, Mark Lane, July 5. s.
Rye 36 to 38 White. 35 to 36
Barley .. 31 .. 33 White 36 . 38
Malting 33..65 Boilers 38 40
Melt, Ordinary. 58.. 62 Beans, Ticks 32 .. 33 Fine 62 65 Old 36..80 Pea., Hog.... 33 .. 35 Harrow 36 .. 30 Wheat,RedNew48 to 59 Fine 52 .. 54 Old 50 .. 52 White 55..58 Fine se .. 50
SuperfineNew56 .. sa
•• •; Oats,Feed . .90to21 Fine .. .21..2e Poland . 24 Fine 24..65 Potato 25 .. 57 Pine.... 27 ..
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 3} per Cents. Reduced New 3} per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per cent.
India Stock, 10} Exchequer Bills, 1}d. p. diem India Bonds. 31 per cent 981 99} 1021 121 199 76
. •
351 154 901-ex d.
70 82 45} ex d..
119 238 334 ex d.
51 30s.
438 42 26 14} 441 ex d.
12} 1381 1121 115 44 28# 102} 199