Bethnal Green.iikin,a,ilrlittlhastate.of mind. The po s y people. there did their `11.23ibiale't
si-frekiokie of.Wyes.hfi, bt visit to the Manual, huidg'otig kemOved their windows and filled them with flowers, and turned oat in applauding thousands. They were described, however, 'by 7,tie:1;01:terrr pf $he Daily News and Daily Telegraph as underAized phdple:Vell'ilirty, with their wives badly dressed, and so on, in a very depreciatory manner, and they cannot get over the shock to their feel- ings. They have held an indignation meeting, with their vicar in the chair ; have protested that Bethnal Green is a " hive of honest industry," which is quitetrae, though pretentious; have resolved to buy no more of such " slandering " papers, and have published caricatures of the reporters. It is a funny out- burst, but after all, it shows that there exists in Bethnal Green what we should scarcely have hoped for, a decided municipal feel- ing. It is much better that citizens should be proud of their town, however poor it may be, than that they should have no thought about it whatever.