6 JULY 1872, page 14
The Dismissal Of Assistant-masters.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOP.."] SIR, —Your correspondent "An Assistant-Master," with the spirit of whose letter I quite concur, has misunderstood my sug- gestion of joint......
Letters To The Editor.
THE LAST APOLOGIST OF UNDUE INFLUENCE. [TO THR EDITOR Or THS "sPBOTATOR.1 have long been of Professor Huxley's opinion respecting the true character of the claims to......
" Rome And Berlin," And The Unintelligible English Liberal.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTITOB,. - ] SIR,—In your impression of June 29 you say, speaking of Prince Bismarck's policy, that " if the State can punish a Bishop for utter- ing......