THE Congress advances fast. On Saturday, the Plenipoten- tiaries decided that Austria should occupy Bosnia and _Herzegovina for an indefinite period, the occupation is to commence in a few days, and these fine provinces are there- fore definitely liberated from Ottoman rule. It was at first believed that the Turks would protest, and even fight, but on Thurs- day, Karatheodory Pasha announced that the Porte accepted the occupation in principle, and would settle details with Austria ,herself. Servia has received her independence, with a territorial extension to Nish, and the Besaarabian question is settled by the retrocession to Russia of the territory up to the KilM mouth of the Danube. The Montenegrin affair is also finished, though the gallant little State is badly treated, being deprived, at Austrian instance, of territory she had conquered. There remain the Grecian and Armenian questions, but Prince Bismarck presses on ntotiations with decision, and it is believed that Congress may b-Ak up by ty 10th of July, leaving the Commissions of experts to settle boundaries without the whole world looking on. It is stated that the President has been severe to the Turkish Pleni- potentiaries, but this is denied, and it should be remembered that they are not personally acceptable to him. Mehemet Ali is a born Prussian, who turned Mahommedan ; and Karatheodory is a Greek, who is actively resisting the emancipation of his people.