The Middlesborough Election Is A Thorough Liberal...
the Conservative candidate, is a very moderate Conservative, though he supports the Government on the Eastern Question. Mr. Isaac Wilson opposes the Government heart and soul on......
Mr. George Ransom Sticks To His Case About The Uselessness
and mischievouaness of horse-shoes, and says that he has ,tried the unshod feet in swamps as well as on dry ground, in thick damp clay, with stones mixed up in it, and in all......
The Pope Has Taken Occasion Of The Emperor Of Germany's
illness to write him a letter of condolence, which it became the duty of the Crown Prince to answer. In a previous letter, the Pope had intimated the impossibility of......
Sir John Lubbock Moved On Thursday His Usual Resolution For
including "Elementary Natural Science" amongst the extra or optional subjects for which children at the primary schools may gain credit under the present Education Code. As......
The New Yorkers Have Added A New Misery To Human
life. Their high-level railway is said to be a success. This atrocious contrivance is a railway laid upon iron pillars twenty feet high, -cemented by girders, and driven in upon......
Dr. Burdon Sanderson Delivered Last Week The Harveian...
the Royal College of Physicians, eulogising Harvey, of course, for cutting up animals alive to watch the action of the heart and study the circulation of the blood, and......
Sir S. Northcote Cannot Be Very Happy In His Mind.
He has to produce an additional Budget, and as he has been .spending in the Mediterranean with both hands, and has to provide for South-African expenses, and the revenue is......
Archdeacon Denison Is Very Much Incensed Against The...
Education Bill, for a double reason,—fi rat, because it proposes to make some use of the surplus obtained from the sacri- lege of Irish Disestablishment ; next, because it......