At the Dominion Day dinner held at the Hotel Cecil
on Monday, Lord Strathcona presiding, Mr. Chamberlain made a most eloquent and striking speech. He pointed out how Federation had helped to unify the Empire by inspiring the federated Colonies with a wider patriotism_ That is, of course, Is true answer to those foolish persons who thought that the
Federation of groups of Colonies would prove a half-way house to separation. It would be so if we ruled the Colonies, for then divide et impera would apply. Since what we ask, and shall always ask, of them is co-operation and alliance, and not obedience, Federation, as in Canada and Australia. makes for union, not for division. After wisely touching on the danger of a premature movement in favour of a closer Imperial organisa- tion, Mr. Chamberlain ended with an impassioned peroration, in which he declared, and declared truly, that the people of this country were as willing to make sacrifices to maintain the Empire as their fathers were to make sacrifices to found it