THE MILKWOMAN. Sun was tall and strong, and she walk'd along With a firm substantial tread, Like one who knows that wherever she goes She is earning her daily bread. Her frock......
A Redstart Tragedy.
[TO Tee EDITOR OT Till "SPECTATOR:I Sin,—In a box which I fastened to a Scotch fir about three yards from my dining-room window two redstarts reared a brood this summer. All......
Dream Houses.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIII,—May I cap the story of a dream in the Spectator of June 22nd ? There is some similarity between the two, since both dreams rather turn......
[to The Editor 07 The " Spectator.'1
SIR,—The account given in the Spectator of June 15th by your correspondent, "Rio. 0. A.," of Miss X.'s dream of the butler with homicidal tendencies induces me to trouble you......