6 JULY 1901, Page 34

The Review of Reviews for Australia. (Melbourne. 9d.) — We congratulate Mr.

Fitchett, the able editor of the Australian Review of Reviews, on the admirable Commonwealth number of his magazine. It is of special interest because it contains a number of messages to the people of Australia written by eminent men of all parties and addressed to the editor. In the case of most of these, the handwriting of the sender of the message is produced in facsimile, and a portrait of the writer is also given. This will render the Commonwealth number—which, we should add, is extremely well printed and got up—a most interesting record of a great event. How momentous and how full of good augury is the founding of the great Anglo-Saxon Commonwealth in the Southern Sea few of us yet fully realise. Eat° Ferrates is our prayer. And if that is too audacious a wish in regard to what is human, then may she last as long as her people are true to themselves and to the best traditions of their race.