SIR,—Mr. M. D. Hay has put his finger on a
point which it would be well for Church of England people to consider. So much money in•the Church of England is raised and spent on church luxuries.instead of on the proper payment of the clergy. Not so long ago I saw a notice in a church appealing for £5,000 for the purpose of repairing and improving the organ. Frequently in these small west _country parishes sums amount- ing to £1,000 or more are asked for remodelling the bells. It is plain that if such sums are raised nothing can be done for improving clerical stipends. Organs and bells may be very desirable things, but it seems to me that far too much is spent on these when money should be raised for the better payment of the clergy. I do not see many answering the call to worship by the ringing of church bells, no do I think that many are attracted by the booming of the organ through the echoing arches of our parish churches.—Yours truly, E. W. BURNELL. Dinder Rectory, Wells, Somerset.