Sir,—when I Used The Expression " Working Classes" In My
letter which was published in the Spectator for June 22nd, I was by no means silly enough to suppose, as one of your correspondents seems to imagine, that other classes did no......
Letters To The Editor
Making , Ends Meet Six—Your series Making Ends Meet is most interesting. Quite a large proportion of the clergy are, I think, readels of the Spectator, and they will be......
Sia,—the Article By " A Civil Servant " On Making
Ends Meet may leave a wrong impression, namely, that a salary of £900 after deduction of taxes is a typical or representative one. Actually, from what the writer of it says, it......
Sir,—mr. M. D. Hay Has Put His Finger On A
point which it would be well for Church of England people to consider. So much money in•the Church of England is raised and spent on church luxuries.instead of on the proper......
Sir,—i Have Been Much Interested In Reading The Articles And
letters on this subject, although it has struck me that in some cases the ends, even in these days, ought to overlap pretty comfortably ; but what has moved me to write to you......