A.B. Picture Results With its main interests in the cinema
side of the industry and only a comparatively small stake in film production, the Associ- ated British Picture Corporation again demonstrates the efficiency of its manage- ment by excellent results. For the year to March 31st the group's trading profits have risen by nearly £300,000 to £2,504,000. After allowing for heavier tax charges net profit is up from £544,000 to £664,000, leaving a sum applicable to the parent company which covers the 20 per cent. dividend more than twice. The mere maintenance of the divi- dend, accompanied by a doubled appropria- tion to general reserve, is characteristic of the company's conservative financial policy. It also serves as a reminder of the uncertain- ties which still surround the outlook for the cinema trade. Quoted around 12s., A.B. Pictures 5s. ordinaries yield 81 per cent.