Waste of space
Sir: Writing when respectable columnists were no more than a set of initials, Dorothy L. Sayers once defined a cad as the sort of man who had his picture on the rear cover of his books. There is a great deal to be said for this view.
We, your readers, pay your columnists for words. If we wanted pictures (Letters, 22 June) we could join the millions down- loading Pamela Anderson from the Inter- net (I doubt whether any of your colum- nists are either so attractive or so dim). Mugshots, which would rob us of 20-30 words per column, might permit your writ- ers to be lazier, but they would scarcely benefit your readers. This is another Amer- icanism we can do without (some American editors even demand photos from those who write to their letters pages).
P.G. Urben
2 Upper Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Our 22 June issue omitted to mention that Peregrine Worsthorne's article on Ulster is from the summer issue of the National Interest, published in Washington DC.