6 JULY 1996, page 24

Sir: Anne Mcelvoy's Excellent Article Spec- Ulating On...

might vote in the general election seemed to be attempt- ing to rewrite history. She referred to a Rob Hayward who lost his seat for Kingston- upon-Thames at the last election.......

Sir: I Refer To The Picture On The Cover Page

of the issue of 29 June. Though you may have some reasons for adding the initials of the YMCA on to the clothes of one of these characters, I see in this a lack of good taste. I......

Sir: Anne Mcelvoy Quotes Rob Hayward, 'amateur...

'Lesbians are more invisible. They are more likely to settle down later into heterosexual relation- ships. ... ' I beg to differ. I have, in my time, been acquainted with a......


Sir: It is seldom that one finds a Diary item that seems to beg as many questions as Alan Watkins's 'revelation' that Ian Har- greaves banished Ian Aitken from the pages of the......


Pink and blue Sir: Despite Anne McElvoy's best efforts to tempt the Tories to chase the gay vote ('The vote that dare not speak its name', 29 June), the Conservative Party would......