By the last Canadian advices it appears that the sending of the troops round Hudson's Bay is not the act of the Colonial but of the Home Government. The route is 3000 miles longer, with more risk to the men than that by the Lakes • which could be accomplished in ten days, most of the way by rail and ;team-boat. The matter gave rise to a lively debate in the Canadian Parliament, and the Attorney-General stated,' "that before long the Red-tapists of the War Office would be convinced that there was a better route to the Red River than by Hudson's Bay." A OoffeSpoiffient -suggests that the mistake may yet be mended,.if the War pffiee will-countermand its orders, and send the troops by the direct and propei:;route. 'Lord Panmure's attention should be called to it. Lake Superior has been open since the 5th of May, and does not close till De. camber ; Hudson's Bay is open for only three months.