Inequality Of The Foor - Rates.
25th May 1857. • Sue—I have perused with much interest various letters which have recently appeared in the daily papers having reference to the equalization of the poor-rates......
Army Abuses.
27th May 1857. have a great respect for your opinions on all common sense mat tees; and so had our Great - Duke, we learn from Hayden's Life, read every word of the Spectator,......
From The London Gazette, June 2.
Wee OFFICE, Pall Mall, June 2.—Boya1 Artillery—The undermentioned Gentlemen Cadets to be Lieutenants—viz. V. F. Tufnell; R. B. Stoney ; J. H. Blackley ; R. C. Drysdale : H. W.......
From The London Gazette, June 5.
Warr OFFICE, June 5.—/nfantry-16th Regt. of Foot — Major - Gen. C. Bisshopp, C.B. to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. T. E. Napier, C.B. removed to the 71st Foot. 71st Foot—Lieut.-Gen.......
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 2. Partnerships Dissolved.—Duncuft and Co. Manchester and Keyton, cotton-spinners; as far as regards John and James Duncuft—Duneuft and Co.......