Gloucester, 2d June 1857. Sue—The Ballot and an Educational Extension of the 'Franchise would together constitute the only Reform Bill which, I feel satisfied, has any present chance of sufficiently general assent to force its way through both Houses of Parliament.
I was among the earliest advocates of an educational suffrage ; and I beg you to allow me to name, through your columns, the vast facility for giving practical and easy effect to this. popular theory, just afforded by . Temple's plan (adopted by Oxford) of giving." testamurs," and quasi degrees, to all who pass certain projected examinations in a variety. of useful, lifelike branches of instruction ; such examinations to be held all over the kingdom, and open to all comers. I believe, if votes were given to all adults who pass these examinations— to all professional men—to all, graduates of all Universities—to all certificated schoolmasters, wherever resident for the last six months—we-should, with the increase of actual voting certain to be caused by the ballot among the present constituency, (all of whom I would retain,) double the present electoral body. We should moreover open the franchise to all who chose to qualify for it ; affording a new and noble incentive to education, free from the let and hindrance of that anomalous absurdity a low property qualification.
Without ballot, any Reform Bill would be a mockery, and I believe stoutly rejected by the country. To .go beyond such an extension of the franchise as I have suggested, might indeed be desired; but is it practicable or wise, in the present low state of political morality and intelligence ? I am, Sir, &c., IELINGER SYMONS.