6 JUNE 1857, Page 20


Partnerships Disaolved.-Rowley and, Harrison, Birmingham, coach-axle-treemakers-Wake and Beswick, Hull, guano-merchants-Walker and Routlidge, Doncaster, chemists-Sutton and Son. Liverpool, stationers-Huxley and Co. Whited:lapel Road, snuff-manufacturers-Pontifex and Mog,inie, St. Andrew's Court, Holan-Elmslie and Idarkwick, Betchworth, Surrey, grocers-Kay and Sowerby, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, soap-manufacturers-Goodman and Son, Leeds, woolmerchants-Grosse and Co. Bucklersbury, merchants-Johnson and Maples, Charles Street, St. Luke's, and Cross Street, Newington Butts, brariers-Francke and Co. London, and Francke and Co. Hull, commission-merchants-Storer and Juckes jun. 'Wharf Road, City Road, engineers-Middlemiss and Ilutehine'on, Bradford, Yorkshire; joiners-Sewell and Co. Old Broad Street, attorneys-Bennett and Harding, Hereford, ironmongers-Livesey and Ashton, Bury, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers-,H. and C. Kent, Gresham Street West-Girdham and Beath, Bow Lane, commiesion-agents-Bertram and Co. Glasgow, commission-merchants. -,Banhvsptcy Annulled.-DaviD MEYRIGIC, Cardiff, boot-maker. • Bonisei_ipts.-Jons FREI:maws GOODEIXED, Piccadilly, wine-merchant, to surrender, June 18; July 17: solicitor, Lewis, Albany Court Yard, Piccadilly ; official assignee, Cannon, Aldermanbury.

J.A.3rEB H000no, Strand, and Strand Lane, auctioneer, June 19, July 21 : solicitor, Stopher, Cheapside ; official assignee, Lee, Aldennanbury.

James threw, Southover, Lewes, Sussex, grocer, June 22, July 20 solicitor, Prowdyi Sergeant's Inn ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. SAMUEL Geornex, Blackfriars Road, hatter, June 17, July 15; solicitors, Norton and Co. New Street, Bishopsgate ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street. ..ChaaLta KNOWSLEY, Exeter, draper, June 18, July 16: solicitor, Friend, Exeter ; officio' asaignee, liirtzel, Exeter. •

Dicidends.-June 26, Parsons, Rye, printer-June SO, Green, Cranbrook, Kent, grocer-June 26, Smith, Isleworth, baker-June 26, Garnett, Dover, stationerJune 26, Humphreys, Crown Court, Old Broad Street, underwriter-June 26, Peto and Bryan, Deere Street, Westminster, and elsewhere, army-Contractors-June 26, Hughesdon end Mackay, Chundernagore, East Indies, merchants-June 26, Fenner, Bislisetsgate Street, leather-factor-June 29. R. and E.-Redman, . Mark Lane, whaefingers-June 26, Barton, Manchester, srnallware-Manufacturer-June 26, Barlow, Bolion-le-Moors, paper-hanger-June 28, Lowe, Salford, slate-merchantSuite:29,-1Q, •J: and T. Bassett, Liverpool, opticians-June 26, C. and H. Hargreaves, Bradford, Yorkshire, whitesmiths. Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of oneetiny.-June 26, Emmerson, High Street, Poplar, and Plaistow, victualler-June 27, Smith, Broad Street, Lambeth, dealer in iron-June 26, Muslin, Old Kent Road, carpenter-June 26, Dalton, Old Kent Road, stone-merchant-June 30, Clarke, NewneyteeMonmeuthshite, potter-July 7, Richards, Aberyswith, Cardiganshire, draiter= June 47, Hanson and.W.alker, Sheffield, coach-builders. ... -beclarations of Ilicidende.-Baidiett, Old Broad Street, merchant ; third die. of fifd. on the separate estate, any Tuesday ;•Penriell, Guildhklithambers-Redman, Mark Lane, what-finger ; first and final.div.203. on the aeparateestate, any.Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Tingey, Tottenham Court Road and elsewhere, warehouseman ; first div. of Is. 104. any Tuesday"; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Samuel, Bury...Street,: St. Mary, Axe, jeweller ; tbirck div. of led. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Girildhall ChaMberi-Danfoid, Battersea Fields, and George Yard, Lombard Street, s_erjyyper ;second div. of 2$. 64. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall ChambersWoods.,,Weykridge, builder ; first div. of Bd. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Tapling, Wood Street, carpet-warehouseman ; third dry. of ld. any T„pessley.; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Perrin, Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square, deatel; foreign woods ; first ,div. of 5s. 64. any Tuesday • Pennell, Guildhall CliembersDawson, West Cowes, hotel-keeper ; first div. of is. 94. any Tuesday; Peunell„Gnildhall Chambers-Butt, Littlehamptori, SlisSex, ironnionger ; first div. of .63: any Monday; Cannan, Aldermanbury--Riley, Manchester, calico-printer ; first div. of 5s. 3fd. Tuesday, June 23, or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Alanchester-Hanold; Fromm, druggist ; div. of 88.3d. any Wednesday ; Miller, Bristol 7,8kinner, Bristol,:tertfitter ; die: of Is. 9d. any Wednesday ; Miller, Bristol-Hall Junior; 'second div. of ltd. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool. -Scotch Seyuestrationa.-Brown, Glasgow, merchant, June 11-M'Corkindale, Rothesa , wine-merchant, and Manchester, tea-merchant, June 13-Millar, Alva,

Stirlia , woollen-manufacturer, June 9-Skeen, Crieff, architect, June 13. .