6 JUNE 1857, Page 4

C4t Cuirt.

THE QUEEN, with Prince '.Albert and the rest of the Royal Family, returned to Buckingham Palace on Thursday, from the Isle of Wight. • The principal incidentle Osborne since last week's report wasthe visit of the Russian Grand Duke Constantine ...His Imperial Highnesif em barked from CherbourgOia board the Osborne yacht, at ten on Fridayeven-' ing ; passed Friday night .in the yacht, and, starting at six on,Satiirday morning, steamed across the Channel to the Isle of Wight. The Osborne ran in through the Solent.' As she passed Hurst Castle, the ganie-difteed a royal salute ; and on arriving at Cowes, the United States frigate-_BUSquehanna was the first man-of-war to burn powder in the Grand Duke's honour. At a quarter-past one the Osborne arrived off Cowes ; the Grand Duke, rowed ashore in the Queen's barge, was received by a guard' of honour of the Ninety-third Highlanders, Prince Albert, the Pridedof Wales, Prince Alfred, and Count Chreptowiteh. The Queen receiVal tre Grand Duke at the hall-door. In the afternoon, her Majesty, _iloce-in: Partied by"herguOst w@kbd and drove in the grounds. The Duchess of Kent, the Princess Royal ,-Prince Leiningen, the Duke of Cambridge,LOrd Palmerston,. -the Earl -Of 'Clarendon, the Count and Countess "Clirepto-. witch, and the principal persons in the Grand Duke's suite, dined with her Majesty. On Sunday, the Queen and Prince Albert took the Grand -Duke for a cruise through the war-ships at Spithead. On Sunday evening,the Grand Duke embarked ; and early on Monday morning, he sailed for Calais ; whence he proceeded to Brussels.

The Prince of Wales went to Eton on Thursday, to be present at the boat-races and pyrotechnical celebrations of the scholars, which have replaced the ancient honours of Montem. The Queen and Prince Albert drove out yesterday. After dinner, the Cologne Choral Union performed at Buckingham Palace.

The Prince of Wales is to make a summer tour "up the-Rhine."; passing some time at the foot of the Drachenfels, and proceeding thence to the Alps. He is to travel "incognito," the Court newsman says, under the name of Lord Renfrew.