Early on Thursday's sitting, Sir FREDERICK THF.SIGER stated the course he proposed to pursue with respect to the Oaths Bill, the second reading of which had been fixed for Monday.
"At the tune of the introduction of the bill, I stated to the noble lord at the head of the Government, that it was my intention to postpone any opposition which I might offer to the bill to the second reading. Since that time, I have had an opportunity of fully considering the form of oath proposed by the noble lord, and also of consulting with those friends who hold the same views as myself with regard to this question ; and we are all of pinion that the oaths proposed by the noble lord are in many respects an improvement upon the oaths at present taken' both on the More of simplicity and also as putting an end to the taking of oaths the necessity for which has become obsolete. Our only objection to the oaths proposed by the noble lord Is that they may be taken by persons who are not compelled to declare themselves Christians. In order to carry out the object which we have in view, it would be necessary to insert certain words in the oath, and that cannot be done upon the second reading. What I propose to do, therefore, is to offer no opposition to the second reading of the bill ; but in Committee 01•shall propose the insertion of certain words which will preserve the Christian character of these oaths. In that manner I shall raise the simple question without the admixture of any foreign matter, whether this House Is prepared to admit to the Legislature persons who do not profess the Christian faith ? ("Hear, hear .1") I have thought it only due to this House to state thus briefly the course which I propose to adopt." , Upon this the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER made a statement relating to business " After what has fallen from the honourable and learned gentleman, I beg to state, that should there be no prolonged discussion on Monday next with regard to the Oaths Bill, we propose-to continue the Committee of Supply; and if the Army Estimates should be concluded tomorrow, to go on with the Miscellaneous Estimates on Monday."