6 JUNE 1925, Page 32


Not the least interesting point in connexion with the recent annual meeting of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company was the statement by Lord Kylsant with regard to the possibilities of motor ships. Some favourable opinions have been expressed by other authorities with regard to the future of the motor ship, and there is now- the great authority of Lord Kylsant for the belief in the future of that means of sea transit. Subject to certain provisos which will be found set out in his speech, Lord Kylsant expressed. the very definite opinion that in the days to come the ordinary steamship would be unable to compete in economy and work with the motor ship when the latter was fitted with the best type of motor engines. Incidentally, therefore, and arising out of his point with regard to the future of the motor ship, Lord Kylkant strongly emphasized the importance of the continued preservation of British controlling interests in the Anglo- Persian Oil Company. I am glad to note that Lord Kylsant Also made some very pointed references to the contx&Xion between high taxation and industrial depression. - A. W. K.