Mr. Walkley's Essays Must Be In Huge Demand At That
time of the year when birthdays occur. For no one could ever be offended or irritated by him, he has such perfect manners. At the same time he is careful never to insult our......
Lord -curzon Made, Just A Few Days Before His Death,
the final corrections in the proofs of British Government in India, which has now come in from CaSselfs. - He began the book in the years 1899 to 1905, while he was still......
Taken Into .confidence
What I Believe. By Bertrand Russell, F.R.S. (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd. 2s. 6d. net.) IT is a matter of some curiosity and interest to note the methods whereby,......
This Week's Books
A FEW months ago we received a book on Rodin by his secre- tary ; now Messrs. Thornton Butterworth send us Anatole France Himself : A Boswellian Record, by his secretary, Jean......
Report On The Fifth Competition
The Editor offered a prize of £5 for a Warning in si.r lines of verse. AT least three warnings which were not jocose are worth quoting. " Conar " went back in manner to the......
* *
Sir Frederick Maurice has written Robert E. Lee, The Soldier (Constable). It is a simple and vivid account of Lee's campaigning rather than a biography in the usual sense. The......