6 MARCH 1841, Page 11



The close during the present week of the books of the various Stocks upon which dividends become due in April, caused a pressure for money, and a con- siderable demand for it occurred on Monday and Tuesday. Since then, how- ever, the supply has become more abundant, and the Stock-market conse- quently improved, marking a rise between the closing quotations of Wednesday afternoon and those of Monday of per cent. The intelligence received yesterday from America notifying the suspension of payment by the United States Bank, and the finding a true bill against Mr. NPLeon, produced an immediate decline; which has continued to-day, without any appearance of re- action. Consols for Money have been as low as 88}, while for Account the quotation has declined to 88g. Exchequer Bills, which were at 12s., have been to-day at 7s. The recent improvement in the rates of the Foreign Exchanges, and the effect likely to be thereby produced upon the amount of bullion in the coffers of the Bank, has given confidence to the holders of Bank Stock ; and that security was quoted on Tuesday, the day on which the books closed for the dividend, at 168, being an advance of 2 per cent. upon our last prices. The suspension of payment by the Bank of the United States has produced a most disastrous effect upon the value of the Shares in that undertaking. The favourable appearance of the financial affairs of the Union, and the resumption of cash payments by some of the Banks had created a better feeling among our capitalists with re- spect to American securities ; and though there were not any large invest- ments, United States Bank Shares, which had been almost unsaleable, were previously in demand at 10/., but since the news of the suspension they have of course declined, and have to-day been done at 41. 108., and afterwards at 51. 10s. The reimbursement of the first portion of the loan negotiated by the United States Bank in the end of 1839, amounting to 400,0004 and payment, under present circumstances, being of course impossible, the creditors of the Bank will he driven to avail themselves of the State Stocks deposited RS collateral security with Messrs. DENNISON and Messrs. ROTHSCHILD at the time the loan was contracted : American Securities of some sort or other to the whole extent of the loan must therefore be 'hanging over the market, and there are at present no purchasers for the State debts. The European Continental Stocks had acquired firmness in consequence of the improvement of Consols; Belgian being quoted at 100, and the Scrip of the New Loan being in demand at 24 premium. Dutch Stock also improved nearly 4 per cent. With the decline of the English Funds these Stocks have given way slightly, but there does not appear to be any disposition among the Gondfide hold- ers to sell them, though the markets are heavy, at a decline of from 4 to 4 per cent. Russian Five per Cents. have been to day quoted at 102i ex. div., which is equal to a previous quotation of 113. There have been but few transactions in Portu- guese Stock ; the quotations are the same as last week. Spanish ActiveStock has advanced 4 per cent., and has been done for Money as high as 244; a re- port having been prevalent that M. GoNzALES, the newly-arrived Ambassador, was empowered to conclude a commercial treaty. The gloom of the English Funds has, however, communicated itself to the Spanish ; and after being at 24, the closing price of the Bonds to-day is 244. There have been but few transactions in the Foreign Funds this week, the speculators being evi- dently afraid to move until the question of peace or war (now considered ae pending) between England and the United States be settled. An impulse has been given to Colombian Bonds by the publication of a re- monstance to the President of the Republic of New Grenada from Messrs. POWLES and Co., the agents of the Bondholders, which remonstrance wan accompanied by an energetic letter from Mr. ADAMS. our Resident in that Republic. The tone of Mr. ADAMS'S letter is considered as indicative of a determination on the part of our Government to press the claims of the Bondholders of the various states with vigour and resolution ; and apart from the application in question having. drawn a very satisfactory reply from the President of New Grenada, the existence of such a spirit on the part of our diplomatic agents is hailed with satisfaction : the price, which on Saturday last was 224 23, has since been at 24; but gave way yesterday, and is now 23 to 4. Mexican has improved to 284, but has receded again to the extent of nearly the whole of the previous rise. SATURDAY. TWELVE *Twee.

There is little doing in the Stock Exchange this morning, and prices are rather firmer both of the Foreign and English Funds. Consols have been done at 888 for Money, at 89 for Account. Exchequer Bills are rather lower, and. have been done at 6s. premium. The Spanish Active have improved 4, and are at 244 I. Portuguese Five per Cents. are also firmer. Russian and the European Continental Stocks the same. The usual monthly average of Liabilities and Assets of the Bank of England has been published ; as coin- pared with the last publication, the Circulation has increased 142,0001., the Deposits have been augmented by 202,0001., the Securities by 130,000/. • and the bullion by 254,000/. The amount of bullion is now higher than it has since 13th October last, when it was 4,145,0001, the amount now reported being 9,076,000,


We cannot notice any transactions of importance as having occurred during the afternoon ; and our report must therefore be confined to the mere quota- tions of the prices, which are at the close precisely the same as in the morning.

3 per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced 3* per Cent. Ditto New 3+ per Cents

Bank Stock

Exchequer Bills ..... .......

India Stock for Account Brazilian 5 per Cents 88} 1 88] 9 shut shut 97 } shut 6 8 pm. shut 71/ 21 Relcian 5 per Cents.

Columbian 6 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents. Coustl

Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts

Ditto 3 per Cents Russian 3 per Cents Spanish (Active) 991 1001 231 1

77} st

501 1 28* * 311 2 19/

1101 1111 241 1