6 MARCH 1841, page 21

Prices Current.

BRITISH FU Saturday NDS. Monday. (Closing Tuesday. Prices.) Wedaes.i Thurs. Friday. 8 Ceut. Cousols per 881 S81 831 89 881 881 Ditto for Account 89 891 894 891 89 881 3 Der......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, March 2. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Byron and Medley, St. Helen's, Lancashire, grocers-Wilcock and Sparrow, Black. buru, cotton-spiouers-Michaelis and Samsou, Manchester,......

Military Gazette.

Orrtcx or ORDNANCE, Feb. 26.—Ronal Regt. Artillery—John M'Coy to be Second Capt. vice J. A. Wilson, seconded as holding a civil employment; Second Lieut. J. J. Branding, to be......