BRITISH FU Saturday NDS. Monday. (Closing Tuesday. Prices.) Wedaes.i Thurs. Friday.
8 Ceut. Cousols per 881 S81 831 89 881 881 Ditto for Account 89 891 894 891 89 881 3 Der Cents. Reduced 881 89 894 894 shut
31 per Ceuta. Reduced New 31 per Cents. 97/ 974 971 971 981 971 981 974 971 974
Long Annuities 131 131 shut —
Bank Stock, 7 per cent - 16;1 168 shut —
India Stock 101 — — 248 — ---- shut Exchequer Bills 21d. p. diem- 9 pm. 10 12 12 9 7 Delia hoods, ss per cent . 19 dis. 5 10 15 15 15 (Last Official Quotation Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. FOREIGN during the 78 FUNDS.
Week ending Friday Evening.) Ditto (Deferred) 5 p. Ct 91 Arkansas (1863) 6
D 6 - Ditty
Austrian 5 -
Ditto (Deferred) ....6 -
Belgian 5 - 100 Michigan 6
Brazilian 5 711 M ississippi (Sterling) ... 5
Buenos Ayres 6 - 24 Neapolitan. 5
Cuba 6 -
Chilian 6 - 74 60 New York (1855) 5 Ohio 6
Columbian of 1824 6 231
Pennsylvania 5
84 Danish 3 — Peruvian 6 174 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders).21 - 501 Portuguese 3 194 Ditto (Ditto) 5 991 Ditto 5
French 3 - Ditto 5 76f. 50c 113f.50c. Ditto (New) 5 Russian 5 31* I 101ex d Indiana (Sterling) 5 75 Spanish 5 244 Illinois 6 - 75 Ditto (Passive) 6 Keutucky 6 - 85 Ditto (Deferred) 124 Louisiana (Sterling)....5 - 87 South Carolina 5p. Ct. 90 Maryland 6 - 81 Tennessee 6 - 82 Massachussetts(sterling)5 - 100 , Uuited States Bank 54 Mexican 5 - 284 Virginia 5 - (Last Official Quotation
Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cata Branca Caudotig-a Cobre Copper
Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Mauchester London and Brighton Loudon and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham Loudon and South-Western '554 Loudon and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South Eastern and Dover I SH A during th 8 60 dis.
8; 884 ex d. - 434 194 169 ex d ex d.
124 70 78 70 16; R E S.
e Week, ending Friday Evening.) Seeks-
Australasian British North American Colonial Hibernian Londou and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London
East and West India Loudon St. Katherine
Australian Agricultural British American Laud Canada General Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land 3M 244 124 15 341 E.14 94 98 684 951
1001.0d C 0 51 10
50 0
25 to 45 26 . 27 27 .29 57 .. 08 28 .. 30 19..9d 11 0 15 0 CORN
Gold. Foreign In Bars per on. 81. 17s. 9d. Old Spanish or Pillar Dollars .... 0 4 1 Mexican Dollars 0 4 I Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5
Copper. British Cakes per ton 981. Os . to Iron, British, Bars 8 5 a- Lead. British Pig 20 15 0- Steel, English 30 0 0- Viheat.Red New 50 to 59
Fine .... .. 60 .. ea
White 54 .. 38 Fine 58 .. 66 SurrAneNew64 68 AVERAGE PRICES Per Quarter (Imperial) Wheat 6Is 3d..
34 2 Oats 51 Ur
Rye SO to 40 Barley 27..29 Malting 34 .. 93 Malt, Ordinary 56 .. 58 Floe 59..62 Peas, Hog 86 .. 88
Lase, March 5th.
Maple 40 to 41 White. 54 36 Boilers.. 56 ..
Beans, Ticks 37 .. SO
Old 40..42
Horn 5w . 11 Oats,Feed Fine....55..06 Poland ....
Fine Potato Fine Week.
I Rye Beans
j Peas
of England and Wales. I For the present
Rye ... 584.5d. Wheat 55s. ad.
Beans........39 6 j Barley 18 l0 Peas 39 5 Oats 15 3
Town-made per sack 554. to Ns.
Seconds........ ........ ...... 50 - SS
Essex and Suffolk, on board ship . .. 43 50 Norfolk and Stockton 40 - 43 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.
POLLARD. fine Os. to Oa. BREAD, 7d. to 9d. the 41b. Loaf.
BUTTER-Best Fresh, 1es.6d. per ios.'s Carlow, 51. es. to 51.4e. per cwt. BACON, Small New, per cat. 50s. to Hs. CHEESE. Cheshire 705. to 83..
Derby, Plato 64s. to 7es. HAMS, York . 76s. to 86s.
EGGS. French... per ISO 5s 3d. to 7.. Lid.
HAY and STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)
Inferior. 00 .. 04 .. a .. 0
Clover 110 .. 120 80 .. 120 100 .. 120 110 .• 120 Straw, Wheat 45 46 42 45 86 .. 42 38 42
Kent Pockets 100s. to MI. I Scotch Reds per ton 75.. to 804.
Choice Ditto 180 - 220 Ware 0 0 Sussex Pockets 100 - 120 I Middling 0 0 Superfine Ditto 140 ISO Chats 0 - 0
The demand for Beasts is scarcely good enough this morning to support the high- prices of Monday, though as prime qualities are still sold dear, we must not put the top figure at less than 5s. For the last few weeks we have load a show of Lambs, but the prices being merely nomival, they do not require quoting. Some sell well, and others udiffereutly. There is a fair disposal for Calves, at 68. for the best.
Beef . 5,. 4d. to 4s. Od. to 4s. 41. 86.10d. to 4s. 6d. to 3s. Od. Mutton 3 8 . 4 2 .. 4 8 . 4 4 .. 4 a .. 5 8
Veal 4 4 .. 3 0 .. 3 8 .... .. 4 8 .. 5 0 .. 6 0
Pork 4 4 .. 4 8 . 5 4 4 0 .. 4 6 .. 5 4 Lamb 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 ... ... 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 • To sink the offid-peralbs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.
Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Pigs.
Friday... .. ........ .... 544 2,660 129 ... ..... . 427
Monday.... ...... ........... 2.5122 16,140 ........ 51 419
Rape Oil per tun 441. Os. Refitted 45 10 Linseed Oil 27 0 Linseed Oil, Cake.... ..... .per 1000 13 10 CANDLES, per dozen, 7s. OIL to 88.0d. Moulds (rd per doz. discount) 95. 6d. COALS, Iletton ....per ton 236.6d. . 22.1.6d.
TEA, Bolo., fine, p. lb Is. 13d. to I.. 4dz
Consent, fine ...... ....1 10} - 5 0
Souchong, fine 1 si 9 0
• In Bond-Duty 2s. 1.1. per lb. COFFEE, Fine (in bd) p. cwt. 1045. 158s.
Goad Ordinary 745. Ns. S ['GA It. Mu.,40,ado . _per cat 499. Sid.
West India Molasse...305.6d to 58s. 6d.