6 MARCH 1841, Page 21


Tuesday, March 2.


Byron and Medley, St. Helen's, Lancashire, grocers-Wilcock and Sparrow, Black. buru, cotton-spiouers-Michaelis and Samsou, Manchester, merchants - Fuszard and Co. Southampton, sail-makers- Clieetham and Hill, Staleybridge, spinners-Robinson and Co. Liverpool. wine-merchants; asfar as regards J. E. Robinsou-Taplirtg and Co. Bedcross Square, ink.manufacturers-Trueman and Co. New Broad Street Court, merchants- Petty and Co. London -IiI•Knight and MaeGregor, Liverpool, commission- agents-Kiuley and Co. Manchester, Manchester-merchants; as far as regards C. "Carletou-Wayman and Eustace, Vauxhall Tet race, farriers-D. and D. Davies, Br ead Street, agents-Stubbs and Muller, Whitechapel Road, coach-makers-M. A. and M. Hicks, Greenwich, schoolmistresses-Middletous and Thompson, Smethwick, Stafilerd- shire, iron founders - Worsley and Warburton, Manchester, joiners- Rayner and Grubb. Halifax, worsted-spinners - T. and J. Belshaw, Mauchester. stationers- Thompson and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners; as far as regards B. Brearly-J. and T. Thompson; Manchester. calico-dealers; as thy as regards J. Perry-G. and C. Florida, Christchurch, Monmouthshire, gardeners-M. E. and A. C. Kight, Saffron Walden. tailors-Sykes and Blake, Leeds, stuff-merchants -Haviland and Saturley. Tauuten, confectioners-Gwynne and Knight. Haverfirdwest, a tornies-Hill and Co. Gibraltar, general-merchants-Russell and Co. Pernambuco, merchants ; as far as regards W. Clark-Buckley and Woodall. Manchester, chemists-J. and J. Potts. Macclesfield, silk-dyers-Ledger and Brittain, Kingston-upon-Hull, bricklayers-Stead and Wrigley, Huddersfield. cotton-warp-makers-Howard and Cooper. Fore Street. Cripplegate, looking.glass.mauufacturers-Wheatley and Dale. North Shields, ship brokers-J. and S. Blakeley and Co. Manchester, contractors for public-works; as far as regards J. Fernley-Barker and Watson, Wakefield, attornies-Champion and Chadwick, Byer's- gateway, Bermondsey Street. woolstaplers-Bowen and Strongitherm, Walsall, lime- -masters-Mangles and Co. Guildford, bankers-Kean and Stewart, Liverpool, painters -Benjamin and Aaron, Bury Street, Bevis Marks. watch-manufacturers-Stapp and Residue, Ledbury. Herefordshire. cider-merchants-Reid and Co. Glasgow, hosiers.


BAKER, HENRY, and CRUM SARAH, Hadleigh, Suffolk, millers, March 1. LEA, JoHN junior, Chester, tea-dealer, March I.


LATHAM, WILLIAM. Halifax. linenslraper, from March 12 to 23. WILSON, WILLIAM, Wakefield, innkeeper, from March 2 to 23.


MILLER, RICHARD huller, Bermondaey,glue.manufacturer.

TILMAN, JAMES, Aldgate, tailor.


BOARD, GEORGE, Bristol, grocer, to surrender March 12, April 13: solicitors, Messrs. Blower and Vizard, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Gregory and Son. Bristol.

BRADDICK, JAMES WELCH. Bristol, tanner, March 11, April 13: solicitors, Messrs. Reddell and Baker, Fend-lurch Street.

BRITCATN, ANTHONY, Norwich, grocer, March 15, April 18: solicitor, Mr. Helme, Gray's luu. Beeriest WILLIAm, Abehurch Lane, wholesale-druggist. March 10, April 13: soli- citor, Mr. Crosse. Hatton Court, Threadneedle Street; official assignee, Mr. Lacking- ton, Coleman Street Buildings. CARD, WILLIAM, Northamptortbiscuit-baker, March 16. April 13: solicitors, Messrs. Turner and Hensman, hissing Lane; and Mr. Dennis. Northam) ton. COLEMAN, TiMmAs. St. Alban's, victualler, March 15, April 13 : solicitor, Mr. Gos- sett, Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Clark, New Broad Street Court. FAULKNER. Joins junior, Chelsea, builder, March 13, April 13: solicitors, Messrs. Blacknume and Senior, Mitre Court Chambers; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings. FEAVER, JOHN. Nether Compton. Dorsetsbire, sail-cloth- manufacturer, March II, April 13: solicitors, Fennell and Williams, Bedford Row; and Mr. Watts, Yeovil. FENN, SARAH. Bromley, draper, March 13. April 13: solicitors, Messrs. Turner and Reesman, Basing Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Cannata, Finsbury Square. HEYLIGER, JOHN GEORGE PARNELL, Tottenham Court Road, silversmith. March 9, April 13: solicitors, Messrs. Pain and Hatherly, Great Marlborough Street; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. KNory. HENRY. Sonning, Berkshire, builder, March 10, April 13: solicitors, Mr. 'Neale, Reading; and Mr. Holmes, Great James Street. MELLOR, GEORGE, Macclesfield, linendraper, March 19, April 13: solicitors, Messrs. Parrott and Co. Macclesfield ; and Messrs. Lucas and Parkinson, Argyle Street. HOBBS. WILLIAM MATHER, Maiden Lane, hotel-keeper, March 10, April 13: solidi- or. Mr. Bird. Liucoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basin hall Street.

PARKER. THOMAS. Brampton, Cumberland. butcher. March 15, April 13 s solicitors, Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Church Yard; and Messrs. Carrick and Lee. Brampton.

PELT.ETT. attesters., Arundel, miller, March 8, April 13: solicitors, Mr. Balchin, Arundel ; and Messrs. Freeman and Co. Coleman Street.

Serrn. ALEXANDER, Stroud, saddler, March 8. April 13: solicitor, Mr. Roberts, Clifford's Inn.

STEVENSON, THOMAS, Stafford. shoe manufacturer, March 16, April 13: solicitors, Messrs. Cluwes and Wedlake, Temple ; and Mr. There, Stafford. THOMPSON. JONATHAN, Lynn, victualler. March 10, April 13: solicitors, Mr. Pitcher, Lynn; and Mr. Cross, Surrey Street, Strand.


March 25, Harris. Percy Street, Tottenham Court Road. carver,March 25, Tatham Castle Street, City Road, rectifier-March 24, Strong and Berthold, Great Tower Street, merchants-March 24,, Keymer, Colchester, innkeeper-March 25. Johnson, Archer Street. Haymarket. sword-cutler-March 24. Long, Croydon, coal-merchant-March

24, Youens, Ludgate Hill, grocer-March 24,, Legit, New Windsor. core dealer-March -24, Wiggins, High Ilolboru, woolleodraper-March 24, Hillier, Montagu Place, ape- thecary-March 25. Hedges, Oxford, plumber-March 23, Redpath, Lime Street, ship- broker-March 24. Norris, Liverpool, ironfounder- March 25, Nicholson, Kirtou-in- Lindsey, scrivener-March 25, Kay and Matthews, Bolton-le-Moors, scriveners- March 24, Bellamy. Ross, grocer-March 24, Oliver. Ipswich. tallow-chandler-March

25, Griffiths, Manchester. merchant-March 30, Tarboton. Thorner, Yorkshire, corn- dealer-March 23, Wilkes, Birmingham, factor-April 8, Babb, Chester, woollen- draper-March 23, 24. Jordan and Magrath, Liverpool, merchants-March 24, Huut Rochdale, woulleu-mauufacturer.


Tube granted, unless cause be shotrn to the contrary, on or before March 23. Roberts, Pembroke, innkeeper-Cove, Coal Exchange, coat-merchant-Wilson, Manchester. woollendmper-Allenby, George Street, Adelphi. boarding-house-keeper -Payee, Warminster, butcher-Wright, Liverpool, corn-merchant.


Bitowie, WILLIAM, Edinburgh, clothier. March 9, 30.

JACKSON. HENRY, and Sort Musselburgh, hat-manufacturers, March 8, 29.

Nixow, RICHARD, Glasgow, hatter, March 9, 30.

Woofs, WILLIAM, Aberdeen, bookseller, March 6, April 2.

Friday, March 5.


Ames and Co. Clifton Street. Finsbury, linendrapers; as far as regards T. W. Spooner-Bower and Alexander, Portland. Street, manufacturers of improved spring mattresses-Tweddle and Co. Arthuret, Cumberland. common-brewers-Evans and Ellis, Birkenhead. joiners- Long,ridge and Co. Leadenhall Street, ship brokers-R. and T. Ingram, Little Thurrock, farmers-Hyde and Salkeld, Oxford. woollen-drapers -Kean and Littlefield. Yarmouth, tailors-W. and W. Smallwood, Birmingham, timber-merchants - Piddoeke and Fearnhead, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, attornies- Evans and Hill. Wolverharnreon, engineers-Preston and Hughes, Liverpool, coppersmiths- Adams and Cotterell. Walcott, millers-Etienne and Dressen, Frith Street, tailors- Hoyle and Gardiner, Bury, woollen-manufacturers-Armstrong and Co. Camberwell- Munday and Brothers, Preston, machine-makers; as far as regards W. Monday-H. and W. Bull, Eldon Street. Moorfields. paper-stainers-New ball and Hill, Wood Street, warehousemen-Barber and Eaglesfield. Leicester, hosiers-Sharples and Richardson, Salford, coach-builders-Hancock and Co. Tunstall, china-ware-manufacturers; as far as regards Hancock,


BIDMILPH, ANTHONY GEORGE WRIGHT, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. banker, from March 1 to March 19.


BISHOP, WILLIAM HENRY. Birmingham, upholsterer. LEAKE, EDMUND, Almoudbury, Yorkshire, clothier.


DUNN, BARNAlly, Jermyn Street, glass-man, to surrender March 12. April 16: solid- tor, Mr. Blachford, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Bssinghall Street. GENISON. HENRY. Preston. builder, Mardi 16, April 16: solicitors, Messrs. Addington and Co. Bedford Row. HARRISON. JOHN FAIRWEATHER, New Broad Street. wine-merchant, March M, April 16: solicitors, Messrs. Watson and Co. King's Arms Yard; official assignee, Mr. Clark, New Broad Street Court. HANNAFoRD, WILMAm, and NICHOLAS PART-1'81MM Portsmouth. cattle-dealers, March 24, April 16: solicitor, Mr. Surr, Lombard Street. KNIGHT, CHARLES and PETER. Ivy Lane, salesmen, March 16. April 16: solicitor, lkAts. Lane. KNIGHT. George Street. Mansiunhouse; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin KNIGHT, JAMES, Wigan, butcher, March 25. April 16: solicitors, Messrs. Addington and Cu. Bedford Row. MASTERS. JOHN FRANCIS. Bristol, perfumer, March 23, April 16; solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Bedford Row. Meese:, SAMUEL. Dewsbury. woollen-cloth-manufacturer, March 26, April 19; soli- citors, Messrs. Makinson and Sanders, Temple. PICNRD, CHRTsimMER. Friday Street. wholesale-liuendraper, March 12. April 16: solicitors, Messrs. Hardwick and Co. Cateaton Street : official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. Tenn, HENRY JOHN, Wood Street. warehouseman. March 13, April 16: solicitors, Messrs. Turner and Hensman, Basing Lane; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basing- hall Street.

Toorre. Joan, Leamington Priors, builder, March 26. April 16; solicitor, Mr. War- rand, Gray's Inn.

TURNBULL, ANDREw, Arundel Street, Strand, boarding-horse-keeper. March 19, April 16: solicitors, Messrs. Lofty and Potter, King Street, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinetall Street. WATERS, THOMAS Rossetti. Toweester, Northamptonshire. licensed-victualler, March 18, April 16: solicitor, Mr. Wilkins. St. Bent's Place. Gracechurch Street. WART,. THomAs, East Derehant Norfolk. plumber. March 19. April 16: solicitors, Messrs. Rhodes and Co. Chancery Laue; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Coptltall Buildings. WoRTERs, ROBERT, Melfor 1, Suffolk, maltater, March 16, April 16: solicitor, Mr. Stevens, Gray's Inn Square.


March 26, Shea and Pine, Great Pulteney Street, tailors-March 26, Cloke. Hast- ings, draper-March 26, Vigers, Acre Lane. Brixton, brassfonnder-March 30, Hamil- ton. Leadenhall Street, merchant-March 26, Palmer, Duke Street, St. James's. tailor -March 26, C. and R. D. Jacob. George Street, Lombard Street, merchants-April 3, Wade, Plymouth. grocer-March 26. Andrade and Worswick, Lancaster. bankers- March 26, Calbreati, Houghtou-le-Spring, Durham. draper- March 30, Stirk and Co. Leeds, machine-makers-April 1, Playfair, Warwick, innkeeper-March 26, Jackson, Louth, corn-merchant-March 26, Crouch. Liverpool, grocer-March 30. Bidgood, Bristol, woollendraper -April 14, Crowther, Liverpool, wine.merchant-March 27, Butterworth. Liverpool, mercer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before March 26.

Edwards. Edgeware Road, surgeon-Kiug, Vauxhall, steam-boatbuilder-Minshall, Worthing. broker -Brocklehurst, Manchester, fishmonger-Wilson and Knight, Rad- ford, Nottinghamshire, builders-Bothwell, Elton. Lancashire. cotton-splutter-Lacy. Hackney, butcher-Phillips, High Street, Whitechapel, liuendraper-Austen, Rams- gate, banker.


BOYD, JOHN, Leith. merchant. March ll, April 8. M'Iwrose. loseeLAN, Taiu, leather-merchant, March 11. April 1. Scorr, JOHN, Bluelon. Perthshire, cattle-dealer, March 11, April 1. SomEBVILLE, Repeats Dunfermline, wright, March 13, April 3.