6 MARCH 1841, Page 20



On the 25th ult., at Albyn Place, Edinburgh, the Lady GannoN of Drimnin, of a daughter. Ou the 2d December, at Igquibigha, Caffraria, the Wife of the Rev. ROBERT NEVER, of a daughter. On the 15th ult., at Pau, in the Basses Pyrenees, the Han. Mrs. BRADLEY. of a daughter. On the 27th ult., at Belmont, Bath, the Lady of F. P. BEAmtstr, Esq., M.D., of a SOD.

On the 25th ult., the Lady of the Rev. W. HARRISON, Christ's Hospital, of a daughter. On the 27th ult.. at Headingtou, Wilts, the Wife of the Rev. G. MAJENDIE, of a daughter.


On the 27th ult., at St. James's, Colonel MONEY, C.B., of Crown Point. Norfolk, to Lady LAURA WALDEORAVE, eldest daughter of the late James Earl of Waldegrave. At Holywood, Ireland, the Hon. THOMAS Ciorwomarr Siterrawerorr. fourth son of Viscount Ferrard and the late Viscountess Massareene, to the Hon. Ilsaarerra Crain- BINE BLACKWOOD, daughter of the late Lord Dufferin and Claneboye. On the 18th ult.' at the British Embassy, Paris, COSMO ALEXANDER, third son of Robert Ilepburne. Esq., of Clarkington, to JANE SEEKER, daughter of the late Rev. William Cheater, M.A.. Chaplain to the Houourable East Luba Compauy's Madras Establishment.

Ou the 26th January last, at Boughia, near Smyrna, Dams FREDERICK lisaisow. Esq., to EI.TZA ZOE %VERSE, daughter of Nathaniel W. Werry, her Britannic Majesty's Consul at Damascus.

On the 3d inst., at Camberwell. the Rev. JOSEPH Amics, M.A., of Walworth, to AMELIA. fourth daughter of W. B. Gurney. Esq., of Denmark Hill. On the 3d inst., at St. Mark's, Clerkenwell, A. K. N. TREMEARNE, Esq.. H.C.S.. of St. Ives, Cornwall, to Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Shirley, of Chatham Place, Blackfriars, and granddaughter of A. K. Newman, of Leadenhall Street.


Ou the 24th ult., at his residence, Brunswick Square, Brighton, the Earl of Rome, in his 8.3d year. On the 2i1 lust, at Ler residence, Shrivenliam, ELIZABETH, Dowager Viscountess BARRINOTON. in her 734 year. Oa the 28th ult., at Wilton House, the Countess of SHELBURNE in her 24th year. On the 26th ult., H. PENDARVES TRESIENHEERE, Esq., of Treneere, Cornwall. On the 27th ult., JANE, Relict of the late Joseph Gurney, Esq., of Lakenham Grove, near Norwich, in her 85th year. Oa the 284 ult., in Broughton Street, Edinburgh, the Rev. WALTER Tarr, in his 71st year. On the 20th ult., at Long Ashton, Somerset, the Rev. ISRAEL LEWIS, A.M., Vicar of Long Ashton, a Magistrate and Deputy-Lieuteuaut of the county of Somerset, in his 83d year.

On the 28th ult., at his residence. Hyde Park Gardens, ROBERT MASKELVNE, Esq., and of Barham Hill, Wilts, in his 59th year.

On the 24 inst., EDWARD LSOLA, the eldest son of Edward Muxon, Esq., of Dover Street, Piccadilly. Ou the 27th January, at Elie. Mrs. Cam-mita, late of Grange, in her 90th year. This venerable lady, whose maiden name was Henderson, was a lineal descendant of the family of Alexander Henderson, Moderator of the celebrated General Assembly, 163E1, and one of the principal instrumentsin effecting what has been called the Second Reformation of the Church of Scotland. She was one of a family of five; and, what is remarkable, all of them were alive ten mouthsago ; the youngest being in his eighty-first year, and their united ages amounting to 425. On the 3d iust., at Upper Holloway, Mr. JOHN ENGELHART, formerly of St. Martin's- le-Grand, in his 924 year. In the Commercial Road. ANTHONY PLOW, Esq., in his 91st year.