[To TM • EDITOR or TH• EPRO rATOR.1 Six,—An entirely new edition of the late Baron von Biedermann's standard collection of all known conversations of Goethe is now being prepared with the active encouragement of the leading Goethe scholars. In view of the great importance of this work to scholars, every effort is being made to make this final edition as complete and trustworthy in every respect as is at all possible. Hence any one in possession of any additions or corrections to the first edition is earnestly requested to send them to the general editor, Freiherr F, W. von Biedermann, 33 Albrechtstrasse, Stoglits bei Berlin, or to the undersigned (who is editing the conversations recorded in English). The accounts of the follow- ing Englishmen and Americans have already been examined and prepared for the Press :—G. Bancroft, Alb. Brisbane, G. H. Calvert, J. G. Cogswell, Geo. Downes, IL E. Dwight, Wm. Emerson, R. P. Gillies, A. B. Granville, G. H. Lewes, John Murray, Sir Ch. Murray, H. C. Robinson (MSS.), W. R. Swifte ("Wilhelm's Wanderings"), Thackeray, Geo. Ticknor, Jos. Wolff (exact date undetermined)'; but there must be many others still unnoticed,—I am, Sir, &c., LEONARD L. MAOICALL. Kaiser Wilhelmstr. 18, Jena, Germany.