[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sir,—the Interesting...
this subject in your issue of February 27th recalls the lines of Juvenal (Sat. XIV. 44-49) on family life :- " Nil dictu foedum visuque haec limina tangat, intra quae puer est ;......
An Inspector - Ridden Nation.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,--4 think the following extract from a letter just received from New Zealand may interest your readers as a practical commentary on the......
"the Sublime And Beautiful Carted
AWAY." [To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The original phrase, of which the saying attributed to Southey by Mr. Leonard (Spectator, February 27th) is a modification,......
[to Thr Editor Of The "spectator.."]
SIR,—Tbe following is a translation from Martial by Leigh Hunt "Underneath this greedy stone Lies little sweet Erotion : Whom the Fates, with hearts as cold, Nipped away at six......
A Noble Metaphor.
[TO TI1 IC EDITOR OP TIIR "Sr ROTATOR.") SIR,—In the Spectator of February 13th your reviewer of " William Morris," by Alfred Noyes, gives Mr. Noyes credit for "a noble......
Convocation And The Ornaments Rubric. Ltc Ise Eirtor Ov...
spicarkToa."3 Sal ea6v mix enov iv arn. ("And a sanctuary I saw not therein.") STR,—I have written these words at the head of my letter in order, with your permission, to invite......
Children In Latin Poetry. [to The Editor Op The...
SIR,—Surely the briefest survey of " Children in Latin Poetry" (see Spectator, February 27th) should have referred to Martial'S lovely epitaph :-- "./Eolidos Canaco jacet hoc......