The Newspaper Press Directory. (C. Mitchell and Co. 2s.)— This
directory, now in its- sixty-fourth year, contains, as usual, much matter interesting to those who write and those who read newspapers,—also, we should add, to those who advertise. There is information about the right of the Press to report the pro- ceedings of public bodies, and about the libel actions of the year. Some valuable statistics are given about the import and export trade of the Colonies and India. In India, the two are almost equal, £58,143,000 of exports to, with imports from greater by 475,000; Australia and Canada together show not quite eighty millions of imports from, against not quite fifty of exports to. All the other Colonies take from us more than they send, the difference being proportionately greater in Hong-kong, which in 1907 sent us £619,000 and took 43,228,000. " The Newspaper Press of India" presents some noteworthy facts, among them that there are some towns in which no English newspaper is published. Benares is one ; Meerut and Amritsar are others.