Transactions of the Third International Congress for the History of
Religions. 2 vols. (The Clarendon Press. 21s. net.)—The Congress was hold, as our readers will doubtless remember, in the late summer of last year. Its Transactions now appear under the editorship of Mr. R. S. Allen, who has been assisted by Mr. J. de M. Johnson. There is an imposing "List of Members," containing between five and six hundred names, many of them of great distinction ; and another " List of Delegates," representing Governments, Universities, and Academies. Then comes a report of the opening proceedings, including the welcome of the pro- Vice-Chancellor, and the speeches of M. Guimet and Professor von Orelli in reply ; after this we have the address of the President of the Congress, Sir A. C. Lyall, and the addresses of Presidents of Sections, among whom we see the names of E. S. Hartland, W. M. Flinders Petrie, Paul Haupt, and R. H. Charles. Finally come the papers and discussions.