6 MARCH 1926, Page 21

A MEMORIAL TO G. F. WATTS [To the Editor of

the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—With the desire to honour the life and work of the late G. F. Watts, a Committee has been formed in order to erect a memorial in an open space adjacent to one of the principal streets in Guildford. To this suggestion the Town Council has given its warm approval, and will be prepared to undertake the care and upkeep after its dedication to the use of the public. The Committee includes the Earl of Onslow (High Steward of the Borough of Guildford), the Mayor of Guildford and Mr. J. St. Loe Strachey.

The memorial has been designed in white Portland stone, and provides a circular seat with an inscription to the memory of the great artist, bird baths and dogs' drinking trough. Limnerslease, Compton (where Mr. Watts lived for several years before his death), the Mortuary Chapel, Compton (under whose shadow his remains were buried), and the Watts Gallery, Compton (which contains many specimens of his work, and is visited annually by thousands of lovers of his art and its teachings from all parts of the world), are situated a com- paratively short distance from the boundary of the Borough of Guildford. This proposed reminder of the artist in the County Town of Surrey seems, therefore, to be singularly fitting.

The cost of the memorial is estimated at about 2.500. Con- tributions towards this object are invited. Cheques may be forwarded (crossed Lloyds Bank, Guildford) to Alderman

W. T. Patrick, Treverward, Guildford, or to the undersigned, —We are, Sir, &c.,


. (Hon. Sec. Watts Memorial Fund), Glenhurst, Guildford.