The Danger To The League Itself, However, Is Not By
any means removed in this way. In the autumn Germany might quite well consent to the inclusion of Spain, though she would not accept Poland. Yet if once we depart from the......
News Of The Week
T HE Controversy about the League Council has twisted back to the original position. When the proposal to increase the pernianent members of the Council Was first made Spain was......
The Government Of India Has Been Relieved Of An...
by the abdication of the Maharajah of Indore. The Government offered him the alternative of abdicating or accepting an inquiry into the Malabar Hill murders. Our readers will......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday, February 25th, Sir
Samuel Hoare in presenting the Air estimates stated the general lines of the Government's policy. Home defence, he said, must come first and then the provision of defence in......
For The Fourth Time Sir Basil Blackett Has Presented An
Indian Budget which shows a surplus. Five yeirs ago the finances of India were in such a state that the intervention of the Inchcape Committee was necessary. The credit of India......
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