6 MARCH 1926, Page 32


TEE GOLD Rusa.-Charlie Chaplin in a masterpiece. It would be a tragedy not to see this.

TIME THE COMEDIAN.-When American producers try to be " artistic " . .

THE BLACK PIRATE (At the Tivoli, Strand, only).-Douglas Fairbanks, Yo-ho, and a bottle of rum. Taken in colour. Notice later. - THE KING OF THE CASTLE.-A domestic comedy made in Great Britain.

THE SEA BEAST (At the Now Gallery, Regent Street, only).- John Barrymore with ships and whales. Notice later.

NELL GwYNN (At the Plaza).-Miss Dorothy Gish is gay, tender and charming as Nell; the Chelsea orange girl. Here's a fine all- British film at last !


Sunday, March 7th, 3.30 p.m. PUIWADEENT'ALS or DRINK REFORM. By Lord Astor. Under the auspices of the " Five Quarters." At the Guildhouse, Eccleston Square, S.W. 1.

Monday, March 8th, 5.30 p.m. Tax Arran WAR. CRISIS. By Professor Gaetano Salvemini. At King's College, Strand. • Tuesday, March 9th, 5.30 p.m. THE TOWER or LONDON. By Mr. Walter Bell. For the benefit of King Edward's Hospital Fund for London. In the Great Hall of Westminster School. Admission 2s. 6d., numbered and reserved seats 5s.

Wednesday, March 10th, 5.30 p.m. THE MARQUIS OF SALISBURY. By Mr. C. H. K. Martin. At King's College, Strand.

Saturday, March 13th, 3 p.m. The second of a course of twelve consecutive lectures on RECENT EXCAVATIONS, at the British Museum, by Miss Claire Gaudet. Admission Is. Reserved seats, 2s. 6d. The same Course will be given at the Chelsea Polytechnic on Fridays, at 8 p.m.

Free lectures are given daily at the British Museum at 12 a.m. and 3 p.m.'