The decision of the Labour Party to start a weekly
paper is very interesting. Its nature has not been announced, and, I imagine, not yet decided. It is hardly likely to be on the lines of what are known as the weekly reviews; sevenpence or nine- pence is probably more than the average Labour reader would want to spend. I should suppose that the fourpence of Tribune, whose mephitic influence the new journal is designed to counter- act, would be nearer the mark. Floating a new publication is a serious undertaking, but this one should have sufficient funds behind it and a very considerable clientele to appeal to in front. But there is one other essential requisite—an efficient editor, with experience in successful editing and a firm belief in the cause. The editing of a new paper is no job for amateurs. Fortunately (perhaps not quite so fortunately for the individuals themselves) the Labour Party could at once put its hands on two or three men with all the necessary qualities.