6 MARCH 1953, page 16

Letters To The Editor

Learning to Spell. . SIR,-1 have been considering how I learnt to spell and how I spell now. I believe that my findings will be corroborated by other readers of your paper. I......

The Teeth And The Gums

SIR,—May 1, with the diffidence of an amateur, suggest the possibility of another approach to the solution of the problem stated by the President of the British Society of......

Is It Not, However, Time For An Enquiry Into The

root cause of the disproportionately high cost of almost the whole range of pharma- ceutical products ? Am I not right in believing that systematic spread of financial control......

" The White Knight" Sir,—although Mr. Taylor Calls Me...

I hope there need be nothing out of date about an attempt to weigh the evidence in any particular case dispassionately. If I believed it, I should have absolutely no reason at......

A Bishop And Two Others

Sim,—The two letters attacking Janus for his outspoken criticism - of the - Bishop of Birmingham agree on one topic, that is, the courage of his convictions which the Bishop has......